<p>This website requires JavaScript to deliver the best possible experience.</p>



Extendstable elementand give it more features


1Spectrecan ability 137
2Spectreceilings of certainly hero his 110
3Huskarregular played seconds mostly assure one randomness a unreliable. 131
4Spectrewide of of hitting Bolt attack has damage will highest 11
5Svenbetween the a 159
6Lunathirty seconds making 122
7Lunaand most 142
8Abaddonnotorious melee most almost hero randomness a ceilings seconds notorious 54
9Kunkkahis of all a hero regular 180
10Barathrumis his a and making damage 128
11Barathrumluck-based one highest mostly level, is ganker. 53
12Kunkkaa can an 88
13Meepocarry regular level, his carry to his Knight 163
14Phantoman spread, level, mediocre his Chaos damage of His 173
15Shamancertainly highest randomness seconds uncertainty. 2 155
16Shamana and mediocre 107
17PhantomChaos which, 118
18Barathrumregular most and a an is almost strength a a mostly 93
19Rikiluck-based ceilings implies, between incredibly 55
20Linabetween luck-based has As damage anywhere thirty damage all randomness incredibly 76
Getting Started

You can install modal as part of base.extensions

npm install @baianat/base.extensions
# or using yarn
yarn add @baianat/base.extensions

If you want the standalone version

npm install @baianat/table
# or using yarn
yarn add @baianat/table
Include necessary files
  <!-- if you are using base.framework -->
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="@baianat/base.framework/dist/css/base.css">

  <!-- if you want only table stylesheet -->
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="@baianat/table/dist/css/table.css">

fixedHeaderfalseindicates whether the table header is fixed during scrolling
paginationtrueenables pages pagination
sortabletrueenables the ability to sort columns
editablefalseenables the user to edit table cells
densityfalseshows rows density control buttons
perPage10how many rows is shown per page
beforeEditfires when clicking on an input and starts to edit it
afterEditfires after blurring out of the input